Wednesday, December 19, 2012


有時候, 不是每一樣事情都會由我們所願的執行.
了解與接受, 也許是必然.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

As a renegade myself

 Right now I'm waiting, I can't really tell what I'm waiting for. A plane? A plane which lost of its navigations and unable to get back to its runway track. Or probably a train that will never be arrived at its platform, the platform of happiness, or maybe it's just a way of saying to seek for self-comfort. I'd never find a place which completely, entirely, whole-heartedly belongs to me. Maybe I'm too selfish. Maybe I shouldn't be part of this tele-program at the first place, which now made myself like a totally fool seeking for something which will never be there. Or maybe it's there but it wouldn't show up till it's the correct timing for me to approach.
You can close your eyes to the things that you don't want to see but you can't close your heart to the things that you don't want to feel. This sounds so familiar to me. :) 
Expect less, frown less? It's not gonna work :(
如果超人會飛, 那就讓我在空中停一停歇.
十全十美並沒有在我的人生存在過, 盡心盡力和全心全意, 只是我能做到的.

Sorry for taking credits, but it sounds so right to me.

Friday, December 7, 2012

R&M the GREAT :)

Best parents ever! :)

You know, ever since then everyone was asking,
I wonder what's your parents look like,
I wonder what kind of parents you have,
I wonder what's your parents working as,
I wonder how they raise you up, it must be a pain in the ass for raising you this big.

Yeash, it's definitely a pain in the ass to raise me up this big. :) Everyone has their own adequacies, but when it comes to myself to be honest I have none of it. How good if I'm this kid which can make them proud, whether it's in academic, sports or else. Things have been this far and I've never achieve anything, and ASS PEE EMM was over. Probably it would be in vain, nothing else can be done anymore. :O

Mum never let me down everytime whenever I asked for something. Something that's materialistic like cloths and stuffs, but when it comes too pricey then she will have to go for dad, when dad says no then it's time to say sayonaraa! Well, there's something I wanted to buy. No matter what, I will get it this time, FOR SURE. But this time not by what people said 伸手將軍, I'll get it myself, my own hands,  my titik belah, wait laaa! I will be a 將軍 but a 將軍 that's won't 伸手!

Dad, thanks for everything that you've sacrificed for us, I know it had been a very hard time for you, you even gave up on all your potted plants which you used to treasure a lot, they were all your painstaking efforts, some of them had wilted. :( I know sometimes I requested a lot and it annoyed the hell outta  you. Apparently it's a NO from you but in the other way round you'd still ask mum to get it for me. The backbone of the house :) 
Not this time dad, I'll get it myself this time, take it back this time, not your money this time!

Well, basically it's a short post related to teh best parents in the world! :)

一些拿來丟的東西 :DD

Ciao people. :)

Saturday, November 3, 2012

It's not a full stop and it will never be :)


It seems like everyone had their blog updated about teh graduation thingy. Well, ngoh dou mm zap shuu laa! Woots, my cantonese improved jor, mm choo leh! :P 

Let's get thing started. :)

I've been wondering on the same window tab for almost 20 minutes just to think of a better introduction, buahahahaa. Man, what if this happens during the exam, I would be in real deadmeat! :O Huhu, let's just forget it and move one, we should just let things be as it goes by. So yeah, my introduction went up like this
Yes this, what's this? Is it this? Truly this. I think it's this. WTH am I saying? :O

A blink of an eye, but I have a pair, A blink of a pair of eyes, BUAHAHAHA! For me that was the biggest joke I've ever said in my life. It's never near when you know that things wouldn't be happen so soon, but it's fast when you're just few days more to it, to be cleared 2days. :) Yes, SPM. Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia, but for me it stands for Sijil Penipuan Malaysia. Why? It's just sound funny to me. :P As a student who soon sitting for SPM like me should be sipping on a cup of coffee and cracking my head studying, but I'm not. Well, because I'm here updating this buulogsuupot.

Got see dou me mou? Most handsome onee! :P

Time flies, and it's really fast with this velocity, woops speed I mean. :P
Let's just start all over again, back to there, there when I was Form 1.

1c. A brat has been transferred to a school called SMK Taman Bukit Maluri. Where he barely know one of people here, even though there's some of the students from the same primary school. Life seems so uneasy for him and it became much of a torture. A torture to go to school, a torture to sit alone in the class, a torture to take on recess alone, a torture to come back home from school and it's a torture for knowing this torture is being a repeated cycle. Till then I've been shifted sitting next to LEE CAL VIN.
HAHAHAH! Big joke! Then things started to change. I first started to get along with him and he always get on with his usual bully on mehh. PISS ON YOUU! Then slowly I met with everyone in the class. I don't remember much of life when I was Form 1, the only thing I can remember is being bullied by that ass! HAHA! And yaa, Pn Chua! I will never forget you! :P
End of Form 1. 

That's when this family joined in. :)

Waliao, still so handsome! :X

2c. Well, life goes on. Nothing much to tell tho, 平平淡淡就過了. Few things I can remember well is that Zhao Sheng was really a big joker aka laughing stock in our class, AHAHAHA! 
糗事不要再提! :P Another thing, it's that I've stopped talking to Poh Yee for almost a year? Or more than a year? Tell me if you're reading this k, I don't remember much of it. People, if you want to know about the details please call 1800-88-2525. BUAHAHA! No lah, ask her for details why I hasn't been talking to her for that long k. 
End of Form 2.

Leng chai mou? :X

3c. First day of school, knowing that Ping was sitting behind me. BUAHAHAH! Can see mou? You thought you very tall a? :P Then started to bully her since she's always helpless. :P 
Lee Toong was being quite a problem for me, what to say, so a different girl you know, 
有性格, 我喜歡. :O I'll have to saying something about my mathematics teacher. Well, he has done what a teacher should be done, and more than that. People tend to get very annoyed when he started explaining his WAY of LIFE. I used to enjoy listening that, but sometimes it's really hypnotic! :P Anyway, I still think that he's a very good teacher tho. He earns my respect. :)
There's so much that I can't recall. Sorry.
End of Form 3.

Also those trips after PMR, it's so unforgettable!


 It really looks like WEE CHOON AIK loh!

Maybe it's here our brothership starts.

Mun, our first photo leh!


I still look so handsome! :X
Hao xiang hen yam jiang hor. :P

 To the right, right, right!

We sing, we dance, we steal things!
Jason Mraz? :P

We are so cutee, wait! It's only me! I'm so handsome! :P

That's when the name GAY LOU ZHEN comes in.

4c. Let's start this with some photos. k? :)

Class re-streamed, 4 Archimedes :)

Personally like this very muchie! 

Forgot what's this again, Pn Khor's retirement? :O

Good old friends :D

Form 1 Orientation camp 2011.

The GREENs. :)

Celebration after marching competition. 

Our dedications. :)

 It's been quite a long time I didn't hangout with them dyy. 

Basically, my Form 4's life was a total mess. I looked down on Physics, I looked down on Biology and I looked down on everything. Nothing seems to be important to me, what I did was enjoying my life. It caused a big turn-out in my life. I spent too much time finding things to be blamed, too much energy finding excuses for not being what she's capable of being and not enough energy to put myself on her line. I was growing out of the past and tried to get on with her life. Trust me people, it's like a moment of magic. You will never know how much you love somebody, until see them love someone else. 
That's when I desolated myself away from everything and decided to hands off.
End of Form 4. :)

5B. My streak of studying in class C has broken, I've got re-streamed again, 5B. 
真的是悲喜交集. I felt so helpless when I got streamed here. Maybe I'm the one who's hoping, hoping that I would try harder even it's just a slightest bit of effort. As time goes by, I realized I'm the only who feels sad all of sudden. There isn't a proper reason for me of feeling emotional and I can't tell it. I am CONFLICTED. It seems like my heart was at war with my mind. My mind is too stubborn till that my heart can't even lay a helping hand to decide the path. It wasn't simple and plain. :)

Till the day they said it was this trip.
Pulau Langkawi
To the left, left, left? :P

We are here to conquer!

How we boys get up.



Till the day they said it was this camp
Form 1 orientation camp

Waiting for the BRATS to come out. :P




Till the day they said it was this exhibition.
Seeds of Hope
Who's the king? :P

The fella with green shirt seems very familiar leh!


Till the day they said it was this NIHON people came to visit
Japanese visitation
The headmaster!

My group.


Till the day they said we've graduated

Bui. :)

Mun. :)

Poh Yee :)

Wai Ying. :)

Denise. :)

Ah PIANG! :)

Soulmate. :)
Realized didn't take photos with other boys. :X

Good old days, bros. :)

Miss Chai! :)

Pn Siew! :)

Pn Uma :)

With them, I learnt to enjoy every minutes of my life, being happy as who you are. Never wait for something outside of yourself to make you happy inside. Think of how really precious it is the time you have spent with your friends and your family. Every minutes should have be enjoyed and savoured. I know everyone has their own problems to deal with, sometimes you just have to think out of teh box, then you'll be able to see the blue sky, your very own blue sky. :)

Be positive and everything will be alright, that's what she always tell me. 
There's always chapter 2,
Stay tuned.